Otter Nonsense

I made a site

Update: This post is no longer an accurate description of this site. Since making it I’ve migrated to the [middleman][middleman] static site compiler, switched from coffeescript to vanilla Javascript, and completely dropped any CSS framework.

Why? I found that middleman is much more powerful and flexible than Jekyll, I didn’t feel that coffeescript provides any advantage over Javascript (especially ES6 Javascript), and I felt that my site was too simple to really warrant a CSS framework.

But still, this is how I did it first time round- enjoy.

Update again: Back to Jekyll so I can use GitHub pages. Woo.

It struck me the other day that a web developer should probably have a personal website. I feel it doesn’t inspire much confidence if a creator doesn’t use what they produce. Plus, if I made a site, I’d get to play with some new toys. Awesome.

Toys used

At the heart of the site is Jekyll, a static site generator from the Github team. Static sites are great! They’re really fast, there’s no database to fiddle about with, and deploying the site is as easy as git pull; jekyll build. Jekyll also has support for SCSS and Coffeescript, compiling them to CSS and Javascript when it compiles the site. What’s not to like?

The guys at thoughtbot have made a ton of awesome open source web dev toys, and this time round I’ve been using Bourbon, a SCSS mixin library, and Neat, a lightweight SCSS grid framework. This is the first time I’ve used them, but so far I’m a fan. Rather than spraying additional classes all over your HTML, you specify your columns using SCSS mixins. This is pretty cool, because rather than having this…

  <aside class="col-xs-6" >First column</aside>
  <article class="col-xs-6" >Second Column</article>
section { }
aside   { }
article { }

We get this…

  <aside>First column</aside>
  <article>Second Column</article>
section { @include outer-container; }
aside   { @include span-columns(6); }
article { @include span-columns(6); }

Yup- now we get to keep our styling in the stylesheets!

Next I’m using Guard::LiveReload to refresh my web browser when I save a file in development- no more manually refreshing the page to see my changes! I run jekyll serve --watch to start a webserver that’ll serve the compiled site, and recompile said site each time I make a change. I then start Guard with Guard::LiveReload, which monitors my file system, and uses Javascript voodoo to refresh my browser each time Jekyll recompiles the site.

On the LiveReload website they recommend various web browser plugins, but I didn’t have much luck with them. Instead, I opted to just have Jekyll include the livereload.js when in development. Much simpler! If you’re working on a Rack application (such as a Rails app), check out the Rack::LiveReload Rack middleware.

I’m also using Font Awesome for pretty icons, and Gravatar for my mugshot on the ‘About’ page.

And that’s about it. If you’re interested in having a look at how it all fits together, the source for this site can be found in this Github repo. (Drop me a pull request when you find a typo.)

Cheers, Louis